Running a Small Business — Image from © Prazis Images –
Starting and running a small business can be a daunting task. There is no reason why it should be so difficult. Several of the mistakes a small business owner will make have been made by hundreds of his or her predecessors. But after the business has been set up and the owner can focus exclusively on selling his or her product or service, owning your own business can be a very rewarding experience. To start, let us disclose a few facts and make sure potential small business owners brace themselves for the truth about running a small business. Owning and running a small business is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication, persistence, and during the startup phase there will be little to no days off. The owner will be constantly on call. With a slight modification to a famous quote by Thomas Edison, it can be said that starting a business is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
Together we will go through the basic steps of starting and running a small business that most small business owners will go through. The planning and execution is what will decide whether your small business succeeds or fails. Nine times out of ten, I would take an average product or service with great execution over a great product or service with a bad execution. Yes a great product will sell itself, but without being able to bring the product to the end consumer, there will be no sale. Take the founding of Apple for example. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Steve Wozniak created the first Apple computer in 1976. Wozniak was then a shy young man which almost backed out from the founding of Apple on multiple occasions. The product was there but lacked execution. That’s where Jobs came in. He was an outgoing individual and convinced Wozniak that they needed to sell their product. It is unwise to compete on cost and is just as unwise to think a product will sell itself. Work as if there is a hundred individuals attempting to outwork you and take everything from you, because there will be.
The following related articles will include steps one should take in order to start a small business: These steps will remain broad in an attempt to eliminate most variances due to differences in business type or industry. Visit our blog to learn more about starting and running a small business.